毕业院校及时间:2017年6月毕业于美国内布拉斯加大学林肯分校(University of Nebraska Lincoln)
邮箱:guangchaosun@sicau.edu.cn; s.guangchao@hotmail.com
简介:孙光超, 男, 博士,特聘教授,博士生导师,四川农业大学高层次引进人才(领军人才)。曾任美国妙佑医疗国际生信高级科学家,助理教授,美国内布拉斯加大学林肯分校客座教授。主要从事基因组学,作物适应性进化以及作物抗逆遗传机理方面的研究。利用数量遗传学,多组学整合与学科交叉等方法挖掘玉米及其近缘种的抗逆机制。近年来,以第一作者或通讯作者在Nature Communications, Genome Biology,PLoS Genetics, 等国际期刊发表论文 10 余篇。
(1) 玉米及其近缘种逆境响应的分子遗传机理
(2) 基因组复杂变异的鉴定及其与重要性状的关联分析
(3) 作物与病原互作的分子机理
1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目, 32401781,葡萄糖转移蛋白感知海藻糖调控SNRK1依赖 的细胞自噬的分子机理, 2025-01-01至2027-12-31, 30万元,在研,主持
2.美国国家自然基金(NSF),基础研究项目(Basic Research Grants), OIA-1826781, RII Track-2 FEC: Functional analysis of nitrogen responsive networks in Sorghum., 2018-01至 今, 2600万元,在 研,参与
3.Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research, Agriculture, 602757, Crops in silico: Increasing crop production by connecting models from the microscale to the macroscale., 2019-01 至2023-01, 3256万元,结题,参与
4.美国国家自然基金(NSF) ,基础研究项目(Basic Research Grants), OIA-1557417,“Center for Root and Rhizobiome Innovation.”, 2016-01至2021-05, 13824万元,结题,参与
5.USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA-NIFA, 2016-67013-24613, Identifying mechanisms conferring low temperature tolerance in maize, sorghum, and frost tolerant relatives., 2015-01 至2020-01, 296万元,结题,参与
1.Guangchao Sun;Nishikant Wase; Shengqiang Shu; Jerry Jenkins; Bangjun Zhou; J. Vladimir Torres-Rodríguez; Cindy Chen; Laura Sandor; Chris Plott; Yuko Yoshinga; Christopher Daum; Peng Qi; Kerrie Barry; Anna Lipzen; Luke Berry; Connor Pedersen; Thomas Gottilla; Ashley Foltz; Huihui Yu; Ronan O’Malley; Chi Zhang; Katrien M. Devos; Brandi Sigmon; Bin Yu; Toshihiro Obata; Jeremy Schmutz; James C. Schnable ; Genome of Paspalum vaginatum and the role of trehalose mediated autophagy in increasing maize biomass, Nature Communications, 2022, 13(1): 7731 (第一作者)
2.Guangchao Sun;Huihui Yu; Peng Wang; Martha Lopez Guerrero; Ravi V. Mural; Olivier N. Mizero; Marcin Grzybowski; Baoxing Song; Karin van Dijk; Daniel P. Schachtman; Chi Zhang; James C. Schnable ; A role for heritable transcriptomic variation in maize adaptation to temperate environments, Genome Biology, 2023, 24(55) ( 第一作者)
3.Guangchao Sun;Ravi V. Mural; Jonathan D. Turkus; James C. Schnable ; Quantitative Resistance Loci to Southern Rust Mapped in a Temperate Maize Diversity Panel, Phytopathology®, 2022, 112(3): 579-587 (第一作者兼共同通讯作者)
4.Guangchao Sun;Xiaobo Qi; Richard Wilson ; A Feed-Forward Subnetwork Emerging from Integrated TOR- and cAMP/PKA-Signaling Architecture Reinforces Magnaporthe oryzae Appressorium Morphogenesis, Molecular Plant-microbe Interactions, 2019, 32(5): 593-607 (第一作者)
5.Jesse R Walsh;Guangchao Sun;Jagadheshwar Balan; Jayson Hardcastle; Jason Vollenweider; Calvin Jerde; Kandelaria Rumilla; Christy Koellner; Alaa Koleilat; Linda Hasadsri; Benjamin Kipp; Garrett Jenkinson; Eric Klee ; A supervised learning method for classifying methylation disorders, BMC bioinformatics, 2024, 25(1): 66 (共同第一作者)
6.Guangchao Sun;Christian Elowsky; Gang Li; Richard Wilson ; TOR-autophagy branch signaling via Imp1 dictates plant-microbe biotrophic interface longevity, PLoS Genetics, 2018, 14(11): e1007814 (第一作者)
7.Margarita Marroquin-Guzman;Guangchao Sun;Richard A.Wilson ; Glucose-ABL1-TOR Signaling Modulates Cell Cycle Tuning to Control Terminal Appressorial Cell Differentiation, PLoS Genetics, 2017, 13(1) (共同第一作者)
8.Guangchao Sun;Shichang Xie; Lin Tang; Chao Zhao; Mian Zhang; Lili Huang ; Comparative genomics of five Valsa species gives insights on their pathogenicity evolution, G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics, 2022, 13(2) (第一作者)
9.Guangchao Sun;Saranya Sankaranarayanan; Jagadheshwar Balan; Rohan David Gnanaolivu; Neiladri Saha; Ramanath Majumdar; Noemi Vidal Folch; Amber Bridgeman; Stephen Murphy; Benjamin Kipp; Devin Oglesbee; Eric Klee ; An Anchor-Based Read-Origin Inference Method Enhanced SMN1/2 Copy Number Variation and Conversion Event Detection in Spinal Muscular Atrophy Patients Using Oxford Nanopore Technology Long Reads, Association for Molecular Pathology (AMP) 2023 Annual Meeting & Expo, SALT LAKE CITY, 2023-11-14至2023-11-18 (会议论文) (第一作者)
10.Huihui Yu; Mu Li; Jaspreet Sandhu;Guangchao Sun;James C. Schnable; Harkamal Walia; Weibo Xie; Bin Yu; Jeffrey P. Mower; Chi Zhang ; Pervasive misannotation of microexons that are evolutionarily conserved and crucial for gene function in plants, Nature Communications, 2022, 13(1)
11.Gang Li; Xiaobo Qi;Guangchao Sun;Raquel O. Rocha; Lauren M. Segal; Katherine S. Downey; Janet D. Wright; Sergey Shabala ; Terminating rice innate immunity induction requires a network of antagonistic and redox‐responsive E3 ubiquitin ligases targeting a fungal sirtuin, New Phytologist, 2020, 226(2): 523-540
12.Ravi V. Mural;Guangchao Sun; Marcin Grzybowski; Michael C Tross; Hongyu Jin; Christine Smith; Linsey Newton; Carson M. Andorf; Margaret R. Woodhouse; Addie Thompson; Brandi Sigmon; James C. Schnable ; Association mapping across a multitude of traits collected in diverse environments in maize, GigaScience, 2022, 11
13.Rituraj Khound;Guangchao Sun;Ravi V. Mural; James C. Schnable; Dipak K. Santra ; SNP discovery in proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) using low-pass genome sequencing, Plant Direct, 2022, 6(9)
14.Michael C. Tross; Marcin W. Grzybowski; Talukder Z. Jubery; Ryleigh J. Grove; Aime V. Nishimwe; J. Vladimir Torres‐Rodriguez;Guangchao Sun;Baskar Ganapathysubramanian; Yufeng Ge; James C. Schnable ; Data driven discovery and quantification of hyperspectral leaf reflectance phenotypes across a maize diversity panel, The Plant Phenome Journal, 2024, 7(1)
15.J. Vladimir Torres‐Rodríguez; Delin Li; Jonathan Turkus; Linsey Newton; Jensina Davis; Lina Lopez‐Corona; Waqar Ali;Guangchao Sun;Ravi V. Mural; Marcin W. Grzybowski; Bradley M. Zamft; Addie M. Thompson; James C. Schnable ; Population‐level gene expression can repeatedly link genes to functions in maize, The Plant Journal, 2024, 119(2): 844-860
1.2020年8月, PSI-CROPS系列讲座最佳报告奖
2.2019年4月, PSI-CROPS参会基金
3.2016年8月, Milton E. Mohr优秀助教奖学金
5.2016年7月, David H. & Anne E. Larrick Memorial参会基金
6.2015年9月, Widaman Trust优秀助研奖学金